SpiceX, graphical simulation of electronic circuits on Linux

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The main aim of the project is to build a graphic interface to aid the circuit design of several electronic simulation's cores available in Linux.

It is going to take advantage of: the C# programming language, the Object Oriented paradigm, and the Rational Unified Process, looking for the following technical achievements:

  • Facility of understanding, to help new programmers' enrolment in the project.
  • Speed of development, to make it a useful tool as soon as possible.
Programming Language: C#
Development Platform: Mono
Operating System: Linux

30-01-2007: CVS version implemented with goocanvas.

29-11-2006: Translating the views of the graphical classes to goocanvas library (wrapped). See Download - CVS sources.

23-09-2006: Third Iteration of Elaboration phase finished.

28-05-2006: Spice and Ngspice simulation cores supported.

12-04-2006: Second Iteration of Elaboration phase finished.

16-03-2006: First simulation achieved.

23-02-2006: Working on simulation.

27-11-2005: First iteration of Elaboration phase finished.

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